Return to Work Day

Close to 50% of our nation is vaccinated and considering a return to work. Why? We are unofficially in the post-COVID era. For human resources executives like me, that means preparing for the team to come back to the office and offering a few new things, like a “Dress for your Day” dress code.

Here, at Beyond Finance, we distributed our new policy regarding the pandemic and returning to work. The response has been positive, and I couldn’t be prouder of our team.

Sure, “Casual Fridays” have been around for work culture for decades, but now that we have seen how productive teams can be working from home, we need to be more realistic for the people we manage. Creating a vibrant work environment means establishing a place like home.

The popularity of remote work in the wake of COVID skyrocketed. Employees celebrate return to work policies these days. Talent departments change policies frequently to keep up with demand to either return to work or enjoy a hybrid existence. And what is a more significant difference than helping a team’s comfort level while serving your customers?

The Meaning of a Return to Work Dress for Your Day

Scheduling a Return to Work day is eminent, barring whatever delay the Delta variant brings.
Source: Getty

Imagine being empowered to wear what you want when you return to work based on your schedule.

It’s the choice of the employee. Trust me, they are fully aware of what keeps them comfortable.

  • Spending all day on the phone? Wear casual, jeans and a comfortable tee.
  • Spending time in a client meeting? Put a collar on the shirt and wear nice pants, or put on a suit, depending on your business.

Allowing the employee to wear what is acceptable each day helps them feel more natural in the setting and relaxed at the desk.

HR teams trust today’s employees to make decisions about what to wear. That means provided that your clothes are not dirty, damaged, overly revealing, or have offensive language or imagery — it’s time to express yourself.

The Purpose of Dress for Your Day

Return to Work policies are evolving daily.
Well, DFYD isn’t that casual.

How would your employees reward you for letting them dress with this kind of code? Yes, you do it for them when they return to work. You make that change to keep your team happy. However, there are a few rewards the company gains as a result:

  • Teamwork – As a comfortable, relaxed team member wearing what they want, interactions with clients or each other may be more open. We think this creates a more pleasant work environment rich with improved teamwork.
  • Cost – It’s always a factor. If you are the employer, there isn’t a better cost than free. A DFYD policy allows the employee to feel more serene, and your company didn’t have to spend a dime.
  • Recruitment – If you are responsible for creating the culture for a people group, you’ll take any advantage you can. Now that we have all had a taste for working from home, a more relaxed dress code can be a positive recruitment tool to attract better candidates.
  • Morale – Often, dress-down days are used for fundraising or special occasions. People are happier, and often, clients get better service. But if every day was a dress-down day, the team’s spirits will stay up, and the full business benefits.
  • Inclusion – When people dress like themselves, it reflects in their clothing. That kind of motivation accompanies them to the job. They have a voice; they are more than a number. When your team feels seen and heard, their output matters more.

Are there disadvantages? Maybe. Some could try to take advantage of the policy. But most people are good inside and appreciate what they are given. And when it comes to a people group you manage, that is a gift that keeps on giving.