Regarding your home, there are three levels of “freshening up the place” — picking stuff up, straightening up that room, and the weekend-long crash course called “Spring Cleaning.” The last one is to block out the day on the calendar and prepare to clean baseboards, dust ceiling fans, and all the other home stuff we try to avoid as long as possible.
These moments end with a flop on the end and a loud sigh. And then, a much-deserved nap.
Did you know your finances could use some spring cleaning as well? There are many ways to get into the crevices of your money to ensure everything is shored up for savings and bills, but knowing those methods may not be readily available.
Fortunately, for our clients and employees interested in how their bank accounts can be refreshed and deep cleaned, we have Dr. Erika Rasure, CTC, one of our talented client financial therapists. The popular website “Mind Body Green” recently spoke with Dr. Erika about “Spring Cleaning Your Finances”; her answers were inspirational.
The financial overhaul begins with a personal audit of all your accounts.
“How much money do you have in your checking and savings? How much do you owe? How many creditors do you have?” she asked. “Knowing information like this will help you create a plan. This doesn’t have to be scary! Doing an audit isn’t as intimidating as it sounds.”
Another important note she shared in the interview is something Dr. Erika shares with each of our clients who enroll in free financial therapy. It sounds simple, but it becomes profound when applied to one’s life.
“Once you know where you are, you can see where you need to focus.”
Dr. Erika Rasure
That’s the problem with financial challenges and the overwhelming stress that comes with them. Have you ever allowed that pile of papers to grow and collect dust? After a couple of weeks, you don’t know where to begin. What usually happens is finding something else to avoid dealing with all that mess.
According to Dr. Erika, that’s the problem with finances. “There’s always a time for spring cleaning your finances, but the key is knowing where to begin,” she said.
We encourage you to bookmark this insightful interview and read it when possible. More importantly, commit it to financial practice. In this article, she encourages us to take time to develop better economic habits. Now is the time to take control of your finances to gain that peace of mind once and for all.
It can be yours, starting today.