Dr. Erika Rasure and Business Insider talks about financial therapy

Although financial therapy is a practice that has been around for a few decades, personal finance journalists are still discovering its importance to today’s consumers. There is a pressing need to investigate our behaviors related to our finances in light of the American economy and its imbalanced ebbs and flows with inflation and post-pandemic struggles.

National online outlet Business Insider’s personal finance contributor Jen Giantz sat down with a financial therapy expert we know, Dr. Erika Rasure, to discuss her “money anxiety.” Her questions to Dr. Erika brought up fascinating insight about the need for financial therapy and how it can help improve our relationship with what’s in our bank account.

Giantz begins the article like this:

A few months ago, I decided to do a deep dive into my finances. I noticed that a wave of fear came over me whenever it came time to make financial decisions, from entering into new investments to closing old accounts. That’s why I decided to meet with financial therapist Dr. Erika Rasure, to figure out how I can handle anxieties I have around making crucial money decisions.

There are three problems and three solutions discussed in this story. Many of us struggle in the same ways with what we know about the economy and how it relates to our debt.

This article is one anyone should bookmark because we all require skills and accountability as it pertains to our money. Dr. Erika went into financial therapy because she knew that. Jen Giantz asked her about those things because she knows that, too.

For the entire article, read more about what Dr. Erika had to say and bookmark this page for future use.

What do you know about your finances? If you struggle to make ends meet and lack the insight to build the solution, look around BeyondFinance.com and read more about financial therapy and counseling.

If you’re not a Beyond Finance client but are interested in tackling your debt, click here for a free consultation!