Dr. Erika Rasure discusses Black Friday on FOX2 in St. Louis

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday have all passed as we enter the holiday spending frenzy. Did you have a budget? How about a written plan?

Beyond Finance Chief Financial Wellness Advisor Dr. Erika Rasure, CFT, was featured on KTVI-TV FOX 2 in her own backyard in St. Louis, Missouri. With morning show host Ty Hawkins, Dr. Erika suggested a different approach to holiday spending, “Breaking Up with Black Friday.

Dr. Erika Rasure discusses "breaking up with Black Friday" on KTVI-TV FOX 2 in St. Louis
Source: KTVI-TV, FOX 2, St. Louis

Although Black Friday has come and gone, the ideas for practical and effective holiday shopping Dr. Erika shares can help you through the month of December for a “shame-free holiday season.”

She suggested the holiday spirit releases endorphins and adrenaline that create the justification for overspending. It’s understandable, but it is also unnecessary if you stick to a budget.

“The lines [for buying what we need and what we want] get blurred during the holidays,” she said. “I recommend reining in how spending all that money will make you feel at the end of the day. If it’s a purchase that will bring you lasting joy instead of temporary joy, get the deal.”

For more about this interview, click on the image above or the video below and enjoy Dr. Erika’s tips. However, if holiday spending has created overwhelming stress in years past, Beyond Finance can help you decide what to do next–take five minutes for a free assessment and bring back the joy of the season.