Moving Beyond Debt

Personal finance tips and helpful advice for your journey towards a debt-free future

Borrowing Options

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Because every credit card and loan option has its pros and cons, it is important to understand which options work best for you. Frequently, loan applications are organized in such a way that all you have to do is fill in the blanks associated with the different loan options. Perhaps…
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Credit Types

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You’ll discover that borrowing money and accessing credit always involves a basic premise – and that premise is consistent regardless of whether your borrowing is associated with a credit card, personal loan, business line of credit, or a long-term loan. The fact of the matter is; you are expected to…
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Fixed Vs. Variable Rate Loans

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Calculating your loan payments & Secured vs Unsecured Loans When it comes to interest rates, they are either fixed or variable. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Typically, installment loans use a fixed interest rate because the repayment amount and schedule are fixed. However, revolving loans more often than not…
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